Los Cabos México Blog

Los Cabos International Film Festival

Every November (since 2012) cinema has invaded the destination with Los Cabos International Film Festival.

Cinemex presents this festival in order to support talent and development of cinematographic culture around the world. During five days, 45 national and international films will be exposed; 19 of them are premieres in Mexico, 11 in Latin America and 6 worldwide.

Do you want to know what can you enjoy in Los Cabos International Film Festival? This event will be divided in 9 sections:

Los Cabos Competition

This is the competition to get three different prizes: Cinemex Award for the Best Picture ($200,000 Mexican pesos); Cinemex Audience Award for the Best Picture ($200,000 Mexican pesos); and Support to the Labodigital Distribution, which is equivalent to $15,000 USD.

México Primero

An open space for national cinema, also competing for the previous awards.


Premieres in Mexico and Latin America; galas are spaces where every night, the movies that will mark the cinema history will be celebrated.

World Highlights

A careful selection of movies that come from different corners of the world, projects that have been awarded in various festivals.

American Specials

These are films that have liked critics around the world and have been successfully accepted in cinema box offices. Here, they will present a movie that I already had the chance to watch (it has not arrived yet to Mexico) called Café Society; as everything created by Woody Allen, it is an excellent film.


Homage to actors and actresses, directors, cinematographer and North American scriptwriters that have impacted the international cinema.

Special Presentation

Here (as its name says), some special presentations will be made.


Movies with an interesting mix, where the music is pictured and at the same time, musicians reflect about different topics through the cinema.


Movies with themes to reflect about what’s happening in the planet, and our responsibility.

All these movies will be presented in Cinemex Puerto de Paraíso. Tickets are already in presale at: https://cinemex.com/cine/7/cinemex-puerto-paraiso.

Los Cabos International Film Festival will be held from November 9th to 13th. In its website you will find offers and flights available: http://cabosfilmfestival.com/es/asiste/.

Come to Los Cabos and enjoy the best of 2016 in the cinema world!

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