Los Cabos México Blog

Discover the Beauty of Balandra Beach

Just a few minutes from La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, is a unique beach renowned for its beauty. It is called Balandra, and it’s a popular choice among locals and tourists who come to enjoy its stunning scenery.

Balandra is a coastal bay formed by a spectacular, healthy mangrove forest and beautiful sandy beaches. It is located within one of La Paz’ major water basins, and features a mushroom-shaped formation which is an icon of the city.

It is located just 25 km from La Paz, so the distance is no excuse to miss this beach during your next vacation. Many refer to it as a “natural lagoon” due its small waves and shallow depth. You can easily walk several meters into the water, as it barely reaches 1.20 meters in depth!

One thing to consider is that you must bring mask and snorkel when you go; you will be amazed by the rich marine life that inhabits Balandra Beach’ crystalline waters. There are no restaurants or shops there, so you’ll also want to remember to bring a backpack with water and snacks. Also, help protect the area; bring a garbage bag and dispose of it properly to keep this paradise intact.

In addition to snapping pics of the rocky landscape and stunning blue sea, don’t miss out on a photograph of the so-called Mushroom of Balandra, a rock whose current unique shape has suffered from erosion over time.

What are you waiting for? We recommend renting a car, taking the road to El Tecolote and spending an unforgettable day at one of the country’s most beautiful natural attractions.

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